

"2D-Apartment" is our joint project with Anna Pitirimova and Lena Taran.

What's behind it
First, there was space – one hundred square meters of furniture stores, which turned out to be unprofitable during the crisis and were given over to exhibitions. We came up with an installation specifically for this room, taking into account its history.
We fill the space between what was and what will be.

Why are we attracted to the third dimension
As graphic designers, we work mostly in two-dimensional space. But we’re interested in what happens if we add important elements of the composition, like environment and volume, and we also like to experiment with scale. We observe how the graphics change when the third dimension appears, which of its properties disappear and which appear.
As graphic designers, we work primarily in 2D. But we are interested in what will happen if we add such important compositional elements as environment and volume, and we also like to experiment with scale. We observe how the graphics change when the third dimension appears, which of its properties disappear, and which ones appear.

Dangerous 3D
Modern computer technologies allow achieving a maximum illusion of reality in the virtual world. By visualizing objects and interiors in three-dimensional programs, it is possible to achieve accurate reproduction of their properties: proportions, material, textures. As a result, complete images containing complete information about the object appear.

Free 2D
The basic idea of our installation is to reduce the parameters of the object and reduce the essence of the object to a sign; to create an apartment where all the furniture would exist but wouldn't occupy physical space. As a result, we get space for life.

Relate – Translate – Surprise
We invite a person to decide for himself what kind of space he wants to see here, leave him a choice, develop his imagination. It is important that a person remains a thinking, creative being, and not a consuming machine.
We discard the superfluous characteristics of the item but leave its essence. Therefore, the item can be easily identified.
"Good design relies in part on the ability to instill a sense of instant recognizability... design starts by balancing the human need to draw parallels, then those parallels are transferred to a specific object or service... In short, the chain goes like this: Relate – Translate – Surprise!" (John Maeda. "Laws of Simplicity")

Lack of color
We have eliminated color – a very powerful tool in any communication. Color is one of the main characteristics of an object. In our installation, color information is superfluous, so the room is black and white.

In our work, we decided to apply the reuse approach. In some places, in addition to black paint, we used materials left from furniture shops: fabrics, foam, mirrors.

In a few days, the abandoned space turned into an exhibition project.

There is material about "2D-apartment" in "Projector" magazine.

Installations Projects Collaborations Contests, Festivals, Exhibitions, Publications