
Cat-Mouse is 2 seasons of a cartoon series on Tikkurila color samples.
The characters are Julia the cat and Alexander the mouse (aka JScollabs).


At first, the series came out as personal notes, but later became public, and is now available for viewing by everyone.

Watch in good quality free online

Sticker pack

Download stickers about Cat-Mouse for Telegram
Cat-Mouse in real life
You usually see them riding bikes,
and if you're lucky, to run into them on the subway.
Below is one of the rare pictures taken by the paparazzi in the St. Petersburg subway car, and a funny story in addition:
We're on the subway. An old lady and a woman of undetermined age, obviously a drinker, are sitting opposite us.
An elderly lady is taking the latest iPhone out of her bag and asking if we can take a picture together. We don't mind, and since she is so modern, along the way we are inviting her to tag us on Instagram.
– What? Sorry, I'm illiterate, – she apologizes again, wishes good luck, and leaves at her station.
A second woman is looking at us with understanding, giving us 100 rubles: Here you go, it's for 100 grams!" (100 grams in Russia is a measure of vodka, she heard 100 grams [st'o gr'am] instead of Instagram and decided to give us alms for alcohol)
Cat-Mouse in ZOOM cafe
In general, we do not abuse alcohol, but we periodically drop into different places to drink and eat.
At ZOOM Cafe we once stayed for a full 28 days in the form of an exhibition of 13 pictures. At the opening, I was dressed as an Indian from one of the first drawings of the series.

Feature-length film

In addition to the paper series, a feature-length film was released (to be precise, a meter by a meter twenty in length). I painted with my own hands with a brush on the fabric. It turned out such a cozy curtain.

Easter Egg

Cats and Mice have their own world, and, of course, their animal religion. But painting eggs for the human holiday of Easter is a holy thing :•)
© Julia Chaicyna